Pedagogical Contents

Teaching Methods
The methods in elementary school based on questions, the teachers always ask to the pupils related to the subject that they have discussed. The questions also usually connected with the environment that they know. To make the pupils focus and easier for them to understand, the teachers usually repeat their questions and summarize their meaning. Beside that, the teachers always say “very good” to the pupils if they have a correct answer to give reward for the students. From the questions also, the pupils can conclude about the lesson that they get in the classroom by their own understanding. The teachers use inquiry learning method.

Learning Materials and Innovation
Learning materials and innovations made by the PSU LIS-Elementary is to teach the material in accordance with applicable guidebooks and curriculum with the same additional material for more information taken from the internet or other books as a reference source. Innovations made by teachers are also many examples of the use of learning media in each lesson will be different and tailored to the material. Teachers also often use concrete objects that exist in surrounding of school, home, market and so on that students quickly understand the material described by the teacher. The learning resources and the technology used are grade books, as well as other references from the same grade learning book as well as from the internet as an additional source for learning. Technology used for learning media such as computer, LCD, Projector and wifi provided by school to support learning process at school.

Sources of Learning and Technology
The materials based on curriculum book. Teachers can add other materials like pictures, chart, video, story telling, etc. For innovation, teacher using questions and cooperative or inquiry learning. For sources of learning and technology, the teachers here at PSU LISElementary are using K-12 curriculum, and the others sources are from subjects book. The teachers also use learning media with technology such as projector, video, etc. In additional situation or subject, they can use work sheets.

Authentic Assessment
In the end of every subject there are evaluation about the topic. Authentic assessment all subject tests focus on a students’ analytical skills and the ability to integrate what they have learned along with creativity with written and oral skills. Six ways to use authentic assessment math in the classroom based on my observation are performance assessment, short investigations, open-response questions, self-assessment, multiple-cjoice questions, and portofolios. And sometimes teacher gave assignment to students for better understood. Assessment can also be in a form of when teacher explain and ask, group activity and quiz in the last lesson. Teacher would give plus point to students who active in class, cooperative in group activity. And teacher assessment from result quiz that given them.


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